If you read these please start from the very first day.
Another great day here at Swift Moves! Nothing special happened or anything but everyday I get to do this I consider myself lucky. Growing up I only had a few goals (which at the time I didn't realize were goals). Like many other across this great nation I grew up in a fairly small town in Texas but there was really no hope. There was not giant mansions or foreign cars or opportunity. I'm not sure if this was were I was living or just the people who surrounded me, almost like a crabs in a bucket situation. Believe it or not the people who probably gave me the most hope were my teachers. In the middle of Texas what I learned in the 1980's was "you can be anything you want" "all men are created equal" and this country was made up of immigrants from all backgrounds". Don't get me wrong, I lived the most awesome 1980's childhood you could imagine but what I was going to do in my future was never really a topic that came up in my family. At some point I realized I wanted to do two thing in life-graduate college and start a business. I did the college one and then in between that one and starting a business two more goals appeared-start a family with the woman I married and have now been married to for almost 18 years and travel the world. I did the family one. Its b far the best one and I would trade it for the other three any day of the week. I'm so lucky to have the children I have. But I think I'm like a majority of other men, starting a family was definitely not something our sometimes selfish minds thought about; I'm glad my wife made me realize this. Now if everyone who reads this can call Swift Moves, book a move, tell all your friends about us then I can hopefully do the last one-travel the world!
Moving Tip-Make sure your valuables like money, jewelry, firearms, stocks, bonds and any important papers are not to be moved by hired movers. Its not because the movers will steal stuff or anything, but stuff happens, boxes get accidently dropped, earrings fall our of boxes, ext. I had client one time tell me she lost her earring that we repeatedly asked her to secure and move herself before the move, she even signed paperwork saying we are not suppose to move this item. This earring was worth like $1500. It was a big deal, authorities were called but it was found-IN THE BOTTOM OF HER PURSE!!! She called and told us she found it (but there was no apology.) I was just relieved and glad she found it.
This artwork was the first full color one I did. Most of them are colored from now on. Please keep in mind I had never drawn one picture in my entire life before I started this project. The pictures will still get progressively better, I promise. I think when I colored this one I had a total of eight coloring pencils. I know have probably 300. I was still messing around when I drew this one. When I started drawing I had no plans of doing it for a year straight, I was just messing around. Maybe about a month or two into it I decided to set a goal to draw a picture a day for a year.
Have a great Day!!!
Welcome to Swift Moves LLC. We are locally owned and operated and specializing in residential and commercial moving services in Pinellas and Manatee County as well as all of Tampa Bay Area. Our goal at Swift Moves LLC is to get your items moved safely, efficiently and with a smile. Our motto is “Making your move stress-free” and we do whatever it takes to keep this promise to you.
(727) 501-2769 | (941) 580-8835
1499 Beach Dr. SE
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Business Hours:
Monday-Sunday 8:00AM-8:00PM
All Rights Reserved | Swift Moves LLC